Upcoming Events at Lake GardaGran Carnevale Valle dei Laghi Carnival in Valle dei Laghi: free tastings, music and entertainment+ INFO15.02 - 16.02.2025VezzanoPonte Arche MarketThe markets offer goods of all kinds and the opportunity to meet the locals!+ INFO18.02 2025 (Every Tuesday)Farmers' market ArcoWeekly market with local producers of fruit and vegetables, jams, fruit juices, raw honey and bee products+ INFO02.01 - 31.12.2025 (Every Tuesday)ArcoMarket in ArcoYou will find all kinds of everything at the weekly market as well as meeting the locals+ INFO19.02 2025 (Every Wednesday)ArcoTowncentreGran Carnevale Valle dei Laghi Carnival party+ INFO22.02 2025VaroneVia PernoneCarnevale ad ArcoCarnival party: music and shows in the town center+ INFO22.02 - 23.02.2025ArcoTowncentreCarnival lunchVal Concei+ INFO23.02 2025EnguisoVia dei ConceiWeekly market in Riva del GardaIf you love to shop the open-air markets are a very popular option!+ INFO26.02 2025 (Every Wednesday)Riva del GardaMaccheronata a Rione de GasperiCarnival party: distribution of pasta with ragù+ INFO27.02 2025Riva del GardaGnocchi di CarnevaleBezzecca+ INFO27.02 2025BezzeccaPiazza Garibaldi 1Sbigolada e Vim BrulèCarnival in Tenno: free distribution of spaghetti with ragù+ INFO01.03 2025TennoVia dei LaghiGrand Tiarnese Carnivalis coming back+ INFO01.03 2025Tiarno di SopraPiazza della ChiesaFesta di Carnevale a Campi di RivaMask parade and maccheroni distribution+ INFO02.03 2025CampiSbigolada TorbolanaFree distribution of spaghetti with aole+ INFO02.03 2025Torbole sul GardaPiazza Goethe0,00 €Festa di Carnevale a Rione DegasperiCarnival Party + INFO04.03 2025Riva del GardaGran Carnevale di Nago e SbigoladaCarnival in Nago and free distribution of spaghetti with ragù+ INFO04.03 2025NagoVia PiazzolaThe Moons of the EcomuseumOn the Cover of the Night Landscape+ INFO14.03 2025Flea market in ArcoMarket in the town centre where to find antiques, vintage and used clothing, collector's items and more+ INFO15.03 2025ArcoTowncentreQuattro passi in primaveraNon-competitive walk+ INFO23.03 2025VaroneVia PernoneLake Garda 422 DISTANCES, AN INCREDIBLE LANDSCAPE AND A VARIED PROGRAM+ INFO04.04 - 06.04.2025ArcoPiazza delle Canoniche Garda Trentino CleanUP DaysJoin the plasticfreepeaks movement+ INFO10.04 - 13.04.2025Riva del GardaFlicorno d’OroInternational band competition+ INFO11.04 - 13.04.2025Riva del GardaLocalità Parco LidoDiVinNosiolaWhen wine becomes vin santo + INFO12.04 - 26.04.2025Valle dei LaghiMaratona a sei zampeCharity walk with your dog+ INFO12.04 2025Riva del GardaArcobonsai Bonsai and suiseki exhibitions and market, demonstrations, Arcobonsai Trophy, ArcoFiori (local gardening market), Village of Taste and more+ INFO25.04 - 27.04.2025ArcoFSA Bike Festival Riva del GardaThe biggest bike expo in Europe awaits you in Riva del Garda from May 1 to 4, 2025!+ INFO01.05 - 04.05.2025Riva del GardaGarda Trentino TrailInternational event combining trail running and nature, running and spectacular landscapes on the shores of Lake Garda, Lake Ledro and Lake Tenno+ INFO16.05 - 18.05.2025ArcoPiazzale Segantini Market in Pieve di Ledroopen-air shopping+ INFO05.06 - 25.09.2025 (Every Thursday)Pieve di LedroWhitsunday marketLedro+ INFO08.06 2025Pieve di LedroExpo Riva Schuh and GardabagsThe italian Shoewear and Accessories exhibition comes back Live in Riva del Garda!+ INFO14.06 - 17.06.2025Riva del GardaVia Baltera 20Ledro Sky RaceSenter dele Greste+ INFO15.06 2025MezzolagoVia San MicheleOm International Ledro Match Race - WMRTSailing regatta+ INFO26.06 - 29.06.2025Pieve di LedroVia Alzer 9Magie d'Estate: Arco sotto le stelleLive music and entertainment+ INFO04.07 - 26.07.2025 (Every Friday)ArcoTowncentre0,00 €Fiera di S. Maddalena a TorboleMarket for patron saint's day + INFO22.07 2025Torbole sul Garda - NagoPiazza LietzmannFiera di S. AnnaMarket for patron saint's day + INFO26.07 2025ArcoTowncentre